If you’re not on Facebook, you’re home free. And you might not even know about the latest meme asking people to list 25 things about themselves and then spread it to 25 more. A “friendly” computer virus.
I have to confess I’ve been interested reading other peoples’ lists. It’s all part of 21st century transparency.
But I also have to confess I can’t imagine why anyone would tag me–and why they’d want to know any more about me than they already do.
Like that old line— enough about me. What do you think of me?
Lately I feel if I’m not writing about myself, I’m talking about myself. It’s bad enough on the blog. But it’s even worse at home. I feel like I’m sucking up all the air. All the time.
My husband is a great sport. But I feel the need to set a limit to self-absorption–and make things less about me and more about him. Which is why I had this idea. V isn’t on Facebook anyway. So instead of writing 25 things about me, I wrote 25 things about V:
1. He made a bet on New Year’s with a friend to see who could lose more weight in January.
2. He lost (25 pounds) and he won
3. He can’t carry a tune
4. He played football in college against O.J. Simpson
5. He was born in Omaha but his parents moved to California when he was 3 weeks old
6. He is a neat freak at heart but tolerates my clutter
7. He has made 9 holes-in-one at golf
8. He asked to be sent to military school when he was in 8th grade and stayed until he graduated high school
9. He is addicted to crosswords and does the New York Times Sunday puzzle in ink
10. He hates to shop
11. His favorite movie is “Shane”
12. He makes the coffee every morning and brings me a cup when I get up
13. He can do all kinds of math problems in his head
14. He is not good about staying in touch with people from his past
15. He changed my drains when I had breast cancer surgery
16. He changed his voter registration a few years ago and became a Democrat
17. He will eat anything –and he actually likes Spam
18. He has run ultra-marathons and used to run 125 miles a week
19. He owned his own bowling ball
20. He loves Civil War history
21. He recently ordered a Snuggie–and he’s been wearing it
22. He forgets where he puts his keys
23. When he was young, he wanted to be a football coach when he grew up.
24. He falls asleep the instant his head hits the pillow
25. He spent several weeks in Chad at the refugee camps housing refugees from Darfur
Thanks to this list, I’ve just come up with 25 new ideas for posts. But enough about me.
O. K., what’s a “meme”?
Apparently I still have a nose for news. Just found out I’m not the only one who chose today to write about 25 Things. Today it’s also in USA Today.http://www.usatoday.com/life/lifestyle/2009-02-04-facebook-25random_N.htm
and the New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/fashion/05things.html?_r=1&em
Also Mark, A meme is a piece of cultural information passed from one person to another. I was clueless until recently,too, and I had to ask someone under 25 how to pronounce it. Like seem.
He’s a country boy, your V.
That’s a great list. You are a lucky woman.
Not really surprised, but “V” just completes the picture of a really special family. It seems that you have been respecting his privacy up to this point but thank you (and V) for this glimpse.
Never thought of V as a “country boy” but maybe that explains all the differences since I’m a city girl–and yes I am lucky. Among all the other things, V is totally willing to trust me about privacy. He was out of town and didn’t even see this list until after I posted it. I have to confess I could never have done the same thing for him.
Darryle – I love your 25 things about your husband! It was truly interesting to read, even though I’ve never met him. Maybe I’ll do this about my husband, Steve, on Facebooks, instead of myself, which I think would be more interesting to my friends too…
What is a snuggle?
I think everyone who has husbands or wives should do it. We’d all learn a lot.
BTW A snuggie is one of those blankets with sleeves. AKA a slankie. He’s been living in it lately.