Recently I got an email inviting me to a webcast event starring Oprah’s clutter guru Peter Walsh. I’m sure this had to be either an early April Fool’s joke or a cyber-Freudian mistake— even so, they didn’t have to twist my arm to get me to sign up. I wore Estee Lauder makeup for years mainly because they gave free gifts; Peter Walsh was offering free goodies plus instruction and inspiration.
A few days ago a box arrives containing a starter kit for his new office organization system, designed with Office Max. I don’t open anything, waiting for Walsh’s guidance on the webcast.
Today is the day; it’s a rare event when I show up on time. I consider this a victory even though I don’t have to drive to my desk, and can attend wearing pajamas.
Anyway I watch my screen as Walsh explains the new system to his online audience—-about a million professional organizers….and me. In this group, I am definitely an Outlier outcast.
You can tell by the Twitter traffic– people are over the moon over #Office Max.
Here is Peter, describing transparent files, special slots for tabs and Post-it notes— everything coordinated and color coded to make life smooth and simple and sensible. I’m dazzled. I have stars in my eyes.
Then I take my eyes off Peter for a second. And I look over to the right of the screen. At my desk.
And here’s what I see.
Thank goodness this isn’t Skype and Peter can’t see ME.
Spare me the questions. (Is this really where you work? You swear you didn’t create this mess just for a picture? Aren’t you embarrassed for anyone to see this?) The answer is: Yes.
I actually made a list of stuff I uncovered on my desk a few months ago. Today I consider making another list– until I realize some of the same things are still there.
Meanwhile the webcast ends and I do get inspired. I spend at least 5 minutes clearing off my desk. Then I gather every piece of Peter Walsh’s system—and I put it where it belongs: on Cluttercast, where someone else will actually USE it.
I have to tell you how hard I laughed when I looked at your desk. Not because I’m laughing at YOU but because your desk and mine look very similar. Well, today mine looks SLIGHTLY better because I actually worked on it yesterday.
I’m so relieved I’m not alone. Aaaaah. 🙂 Thanks for making my whole day.
Great minds think alike. We can maybe form an online support group…
I did take a stab at mine briefly but even I can’t tell the difference.
You are not alone. Mine looks about the same! Mine are here:
Is there a 12 step program for us…………lol
Thanks Briana, it was fun seeing your pictures. I’d be happy if those were my “after” pictures.
And Minnie– I’m willing to try a 12-step program if you find one.
Darryle,Did you hear me laugh? It was pretty loud. Great post.
I would love to add your View at Work to my ViewatWork compilation.
Linda, Did you hear ME laugh? At the idea of adding my desk to your View at Work compilation? Technically I guess this is my “view” at work…but most of the time, I try not to look!
I’ll bet your desk environment represents the majority of people who work at home.
But are you in a windowless room? That is a decision that I want to call attention to.
Some natural light flowing into the room makes a big difference.
Ah….light at the end of the tunnel. There IS natural light and there is a whole wall of windows in my office. I don’t spend most of the day looking out of them, but my cat does.
PS Hope you’re right about the majority of people, although I’ve never personally seen a desk as hopeless as mine.