The birthday girl was me. On my right, my sister. And in the seat of honor next to me is Stephanie.
She was a couple years older than me and lived nearby and I adored her. We were soulmates. She was my first friend.
So it’s appropriate that Stephanie is the first person who emerged out of deep cyberspace to find me on Facebook. Someone who came out of the blue after being lost to me for years.
This happened just a few weeks ago. It made my day. And it made me realize the power of Facebook. And the power of the connections that stretch across the web and the years and the miles of our lives.
We’ve barely caught up; after all, it’s been over 40 years. We’ve traded some stories, scratching the surface. We both adore Obama; I’m convinced we’re still soulmates.
Sometime I’m sure Stephanie and I will sit next to each other again at another table like we did so many years ago. Seeing her again in person will add another dimension to deepen our lifelong connection. For now, I’m just happy to be found. And to be friends. On Facebook.
Baby boomers are the fastest growing demographic on Facebook right now. Every day, everywhere, with different names and faces, people are renewing friendships like me and Stephanie. I’d love to hear about yours. Click here to share any story of how you’ve reconnected through Facebook.
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