I mentioned the other day that I don’t identify with my face in the mirror or with my age AT ALL. And I think maybe part of the reason is that I’m occupied in the blogosphere.
Not just that I’m busy; but lately I’m consumed with social media— where I think the other consumers have an average age that’s maybe 12. In fact, thinking about social media made me re-think what I wrote the other day when I said I feel like I’m 35.
Right after I wrote that post I had lunch with someone I was very close to during my Miami TV days. He lives in Europe now, it was fantastic to see him, we hadn’t heard from each other in 30 years. And we only connected thanks to Facebook.
The day before that, I was on a radio show, and the host of the show was a woman I knew in high school 40 years ago—another re-connection through Facebook.
The day before that, I went to a movie with a woman I knew when our kids were in pre-school together in Los Angeles. Thanks to a completely random Facebook encounter, I found out recently that she also moved to Carmel and lives a half mile from me—and we reconnected after not seeing each other for 23 years.
And then today, a picture appears on my profile page posted by someone who also found me on Facebook. A childhood friend of my sister’s who came through town a week ago on a trip. She figured out I hadn’t seen her in 42 years.
Wow. Thank you Facebook, for adding all these connections to my life. Now that I think about it, I don’t feel 35. Make that 135.
I know, I’m feeling a little tech-media’d out lately myself. Not sure how to feel about this…
I already got a few emails today from friends who have been on the fence about Facebook. Now they’re even less sure about whether to join or not.
And today I finally spoke to your sister. It was great to talk to Carla and I am going to see her when I visit my granddaughter in a few weeks. We are going to try and get our kids together.
I hope you liked the picture of you and me. It was wonderful to see you after so many years.
Thank you Facebook…..
I couldn’t agree with you more Darryle. This social media phenom is so powerful in connecting people directly in what has become a very impersonal, technological world. The “many connectng with the many” does lead to “one connecting with one”. I have not only reconnected with many people from the past, but made some wonderful NEW connections with people who I probaby would never have met had it not been for Facebook or Twitter. It was wonderful hanging out with you on the radio! Not random, it’s by design.