Awhile back I bitched blogged about how family obligations prevented me from attending a historic reunion of television pioneers from WTVJ Miami.
I was really disappointed to miss this event—to miss seeing people who were such an important part of my past.
And in the end….I figured out a way to get there after all.
OK, so maybe I didn’t greet everyone by name– -or with a big hug…..
So maybe I had the same goofy smile plastered on my face the whole time….
Maybe I was quieter –and a little stiffer than they remembered me…..
But I got around. I mingled. In fact, I never sat down the entire night.
Not to mention saving a small fortune on my outfit and the airfare. And at least I’m in the pictures on Facebook.
Unless you’re in the immediate family, this strategy should also work for weddings or bar mitzvahs—-or if you’re a party animal, and just hate to miss a good time. Go cardboard. You won’t be the life of the party, but it’s the next best thing to being there.
Can I do that the next time my hubby wants me to go with him to one of those boring meet and greets?
Perfect—Considering how much I bitch about attending boring events like that, I think my husband would far prefer the company of my cardboard cutout.
Hysterical! Suppose I could do this and tape my voice saying all those things I say to my kids all day long? I could take a day off and they probably wouldn’t miss me.
And, unlike the rest of the people there, you looked thinner than ever.
Ouch. Getting plenty of reality checks lately while cluttercasting—and finding clothing from my TV wardrobe. Forget zipping up the pants—or buttoning tops—not even close. The only thing from the old days that fit my body today are the scarves.
Headless Mom: They actually sell cardboard figures where you can add the audio—go for it.